MercyOne Cedar
Falls Sartori

Cedar Falls, IA
158,131 SF (95,355 SF Hospital + 62,776 SF MOB)
Completion date
October 2018

This new facility planned in Cedar Falls, Iowa is designed to maximize square foot efficiency using the micro-hospital concept as a guiding principal. The facility replaces the existing Sartori Hospital, which is over 100 years old.

This new facility planned in Cedar Falls, Iowa is designed to maximize square foot efficiency using the micro-hospital concept as a guiding principle. The facility replaces the existing Sartori Hospital, which is over 100 years old. The new complex, situated on a 50-acre plot of land, is oriented towards the two major street crossings to intuitively guide patients and visitors to the new hospital. 

Key stacking and adjacencies were planned to maximize the building's visibility on the site, views for patient rooms on level one and direct support space and dock access. This facility is planned to bring a sense of wellness and a "campus" feel to a highly digitized, efficient and forward-thinking building.