Community &

A community is defined by its people – its future should be too. Together, we'll develop a plan that is rooted in your shared values and enhances the quality of life for residents and visitors alike.

Whether your community’s plans are regional, community-wide, district or system specific, we work with you to build a plan that gets you closer to achieving your goals. We've worked with communities on neighborhood and district planning, housing studies, corridors and multimodal planning, comprehensive and strategic planning and downtown plans. Additional experience in historical preservation, landscape and/or streetscape choices, parks planning or placemaking and wayfinding can maximize our planning efforts and highlight support needed to better the community.

Community participation and feedback are essential to our process and vital to creating visible changes that improve quality of life. Our collaborative, open process keeps community members highly involved.

As planning professionals, we find and highlight the unique qualities of communities to improve design and policy recommendations that advocate for all users. We build on the vision you’ve provided and refined, we translate that into actionable strategies for a shared future.

Community & Regional Planning